Community Association

Luncheon Club

Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at the Community centre. Served at 12:30 local pensioners, unemployed members of the community and people on low incomes can have a three-course meal and a cup of tea for just £2.

For more information please call 0151 630 2626

Luncheon Club

Credit Union

New Brighton Credit union is held at the centre on Tuesday morning from 10:00 – 11:00. Thursday evening from 18:00 – 19:00.

New Brighton Community Associations Vision

To provide activities and services sufficient in quantity, range and quality to meet the needs of all sections of the New Brighton Community and its environs. These will be provided in line with the Community Associations Equal Opportunities Police and will be accessible to all and not restricted on the grounds of disability, ethnic origin, cultural or religious beliefs, gender, sexual orientation or ability to pay. To ensure that full use of existing Community resources, helping to improve existing facilities where necessary and identifying areas of deficiency.

To encourage people to participate in and appreciate the value of technology, sport, recreation, cultural activities and the arts. To monitor the numbers of people using the Community Centre and to monitor their views about the services provided. To contribute to the health of the people of New Brighton and its environs by ensuring that sufficient opportunities exist for physical and intellectual recreation. To fulfil all statutory obligations. To manage resources effectively, efficiently and economically.

Community Centre Network

One of the positive aspects of the 'new' Community Planning process has been the realisation that only by working together in a strategic way can Communities benefit. An example of this is the Area Forums, Wirral Community/Voluntary Sector Network, Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) and Neighbourhood Renewal, to name a few. It has been agreed to explore these ideas by Liscard, Vale and New Brighton Community Centre's maybe through a 'Community Centre Network' and to look at funding packages, best practice and other associated linkages

The Community Association has been in existence since 1976 and has been in the present building since 1981. It has traditionally always spoke up and campaigned on behalf of New Brighton. Its present role within the 'new' Community Planning process, along with its new building and ICT provision means it is well equipped to continue in that role and take the lead to meet the challenges ahead for the Centre.

Further with the Centre's obvious experience and knowledge as a platform for public opinion in New Brighton it has been envisaged that the meetings could be extended to include the wider community, to enable local issues to be discussed and acted upon through the extensive network (see below) now at its disposal. It's a simple, straightforward and effective structure for local residents.

The above chart briefly explains those links and puts into perspective the role that the Association can now play as a grass roots body 'that makes things happen.' The Centre now has a marvellous opportunity through a clearly defined route map and reporting mechanisms to develop and expand on its current role.

The Community Association is only as strong as its members. This last year has seen a united front with members working together determined to achieve that vision that they set course on over 2 years ago now. It's a tribute to all members for their perseverance and determination to achieve that goal. NOW THE HARD WORK BEGINS ..............

Why don't you get involved in your Community? Email for details and more information!