Slimming World - NEW GROUP Opened 8th January 2016

Only Friday group on the Wirral.

New Brighton Community Centre

Hope Street

Fridays at 9.00 a.m.

Tel: Lesley 07855349556

New Brighton One Stop Shop
This is open Monday to Friday from 11am till 3pm. This is a great service that provides invaluable help for local people right on their doorstep. It also includes a free phone facility and private rooms with a loop system for those that are hard of hearing. It provides assistance on all the Wirral Borough Council services including the Pension Service, Age Concern & the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) which also operates advice surgeries once a week for the Polish Community and offers them vital assistance.

Lunch Club
This provides a lifeline for those people & families on low incomes as well as elderly people. It is a great way for people to get to know each other and make friends in a very friendly environment. It also provides days out to places of interest; the latter is kindly provided by Wallasey Lions Club. Lunch is served Tuesday/Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 12.30pm and a 3 course meal is only �3.99 with a mug of tea or coffee. You can come in from 12noon and make yourself comfortable with a read of the free newspapers.

Credit Union
This offers people community loans which are a vital means of support in the present economic situation and are a very important helping hand for those people seeking work and on low incomes, particularly those struggling to survive financially. It meets every Tuesday 10am to 11am.

Wirral Pathfinders Mental Health/Self Help Support Group
This group was established in 1992 to support people, their family and carers, for whom depression, anxiety and mental health problems are part of everyday life. It has gone on to help hundreds learn to manage their problems, building up their self-esteem and confidence, helping them to remove their feelings of isolation. The club meets every Thursday 7pm to 9pm and a very warm welcome awaits all those that come along Attendance 30).

UK Online Computer Suite
This service which started in 2002 offers local residents free internet and email addresses. It's a valuable resource were residents can surf the web, search for jobs and relax in comfortable surroundings. They can also enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and seek the assistance of the ICT Facilitator should they have any problems or need advice. Residents can also scan documents, use the photocopier or fax.

A local Neighbourhood Police Surgery is held every Tuesday morning 10-12pm for residents experiencing problems with anti social behaviour and other associated problems.

Computer Class
The clubs aims to help people with all aspects of computing including smart phones and tablets. Every Monday 7pm to 10pm Sing Our Socks Off For all ages, singing classes every Thursday 1.30pm till 3pm Art Classes Every Monday 1pm till 3pm. Accent on enjoyment rather than talent. Tuition at all levels, all materials provided. Phone Iris for more details on: 638 8472.

AA Alcoholics Anonymous
Every Tuesday morning 11am.

Please phone for more details
